Calorie university

Tanuld meg a kalóriákat ne csak
számolni, hanem használni is!

Our special offers

Exercise programs

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A 4-week subscription system program during which we help you reach your goal, whether it’s weight loss or mass loss.

You can apply for the program over the age of 13.


I am Richárd Várhegyi, an internationally recognized coach who obtained a degree in English in England. Over the years, I have worked in clubs with 35,000 people, 5,000 people and private clubs. I can proudly say that this year alone I have helped more than 5,000 of my clients lose weight successfully with the „Kalória Király” program.
I studied theology when I was young, where I gained deep knowledge about the soul, and I still use this knowledge in my work today to support my clients not only physically, but also spiritually. I have appeared on several television shows and had several articles published about me acknowledging the methods I use.


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